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Updates and Information for the 2023-24 School Year

Scott Eversdyke
Adjudicated Events Chair
The 2023-2024 school year brings many new and exciting changes to adjudicated events.

Orchestra District/State Changes

The biggest change for Adjudicated Events this year is with the High School Orchestra Large Group Adjudicated Event. High School Orchestras will be able to choose between a district performance and a state performance. Groups that select a district level performance will select one piece from the OMEA Orchestra Large Group Required List, choose two select pieces, and choose between a clinic (given by the sight-reading adjudicator) or a sight-reading experience (no rating given) after their stage performance. Orchestras performing at the district level will receive a rating based on the three stage adjudicator’s ratings only using the three rating plan. Groups that select a state level performance will select two pieces from the OMEA Orchestra Large Group Required List and choose one select piece. State-level orchestras will be required to sight read and the final rating will be based on the total of the four adjudicator’s ratings. State-level performances receiving an overall I rating will be eligible to receive a plaque.

Open Class

Open Class will replace class D for large group events at the high school and junior high/middle school levels. High school groups will select three pieces that are not currently on any high school large group list (they may select pieces from the JH/MS Large Group List or the HS Solo & Ensemble List) and choose between a clinic (given by the sight-reading adjudicator) or a sight-reading experience (no rating given) after their stage performance. High school groups participating in Open Class will receive a rating based on the three stage adjudicator’s ratings only. The overall rating will be determined using the three-rating plan. Open Class entries will NOT be eligible to qualify for the state large group event.
Junior high/middle school groups choosing to participate in Open Class will select three pieces that are not currently on any junior high/middle school large group list. JH/MS entrants in Open Class will receive a rating based on the three stage adjudicator’s ratings. The overall rating will be determined using the three-rating plan.

Exploratory & Collegiate Class

Exploratory & Collegiate Class will be options for the upcoming HS Solo & Ensemble Adjudicated Events.
In Exploratory Class you will choose a selection appropriate for Solo & Ensemble (not on any current Solo & Ensemble Required List) that is at the level of your student's current development (whatever that level is) to help them receive comments for their continued improvement. There will be no rating given. Here are a few examples of why you might choose to send a student in Exploratory Class. If you have a student who just switched to bassoon and would like to get the experience of participating at Solo and Ensemble but cannot yet play a piece off the class C list, Exploratory Class would be a great option. If you have a special needs or IEP student who would like to participate in Solo and Ensemble, but you feel a class C solo might not meet their needs for accommodation, Exploratory Class would be a great fit.
In Collegiate Class you will choose a selection appropriate for Solo & Ensemble (not on any current Solo & Ensemble Required List) that is at a collegiate level to help receive comments for an upcoming collegiate audition. There will be no rating given.

Large Group Ratings back to normal

The AE Committee voted in 2022 to work to expand the high school band and choir large group required lists from 18 to 24. There will be 18 pieces that function as they have in the past along with 6 pieces of standard repertoire that will stay on the list for much longer periods of time. That will make a total of 24 pieces for each class on the High School Band and Choir Required lists. Last year most of the lists were increased to 24 or very close. Committees met this summer to review, update, and finalize the expanse of those lists.
The orchestra required list and all middle school/junior high lists were also reviewed and updated. Many thanks go to Roberto Iriarte, Heather Marsh-Myers, and Jeanne Wohlgamuth for their hard work to get these committees together and lists updated. The lists are available on the OMEA website.

Rating Sheets Updated

You will hopefully notice that the AE rating sheets will be updated to reflect the new OMEA logo. Other updates will include a check box for festival performance events along with some updated language for the ratings explanations on the sheets.

Large Group Required List Expansion

District and State level performances this year will be back to the rating plan used before the pandemic. Ratings, other than those exceptions stated above, will be based on the four rating plan. The ratings will come from the three stage adjudicator’s ratings plus the sight reading adjudicator’s rating.

Software Change for ALL events in 2024

All events in 2024 will be utilizing a new software called MemberLeap. The goal is to make sure that participants don’t notice a difference from the experience you have had. The real difference will be behind the scenes as we work to make this transition as smooth as possible.

AE Sessions at the 2024 OMEA Conference

There will be many sessions offered by the AE Committee at the 2024 OMEA Professional Development Conference in Columbus. These sessions are a great way to learn more about adjudicated events. Each session gives the opportunity for you to ask questions to help you prepare for adjudicated events. Members of the AE Committee are always open to questions. There will be sessions for the new teacher, adjudicators, directors, and site chairs. This year there will be a focus on sight reading for adjudicated events. Make sure you check the conference schedule to find the sessions that best fit your needs.
I look forward to serving as your AE Chair, for the next two years and hope that you all have had a great start to the school year!