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Notes From Your Director of Adjudications

Bill Thomas
Director of Adjudications
Greetings OMEA Members!

2022-23 Adjudicated Events: By the Numbers

  • 18,196 events
  • 1,226 adjudicator assignments

Login, Check Your Certifications on the OMEA Website

If you haven’t done so already, go on the website and check your certifications are accurate.
Go to “Adjudicators”> “Certifications”. All data was transferred from the old site. Hopefully nothing was lost. If you feel you are missing a certification or there’s one listed that doesn’t apply to you, please contact me.

Adjudicators Declaring Eligibility for Solo/Ensemble and Large Group Events

If this were a normal year, this email would begin the process of entering your availability. But this is not a normal year! Come to think of it, when was the last normal year? What is normal? (Remember Abby…Abby Normal? (a Young Frankenstein reference) This part of our program is under construction and isn’t ready to be rolled out. Therefore, declaring eligibility for the 2024 S/E LG events will be pushed back. There will be an email when the system opens instructing you on the procedure. Until then, be thinking of your availability!

Adding Certifications

After successfully adjudicating solo/ensemble, you can apply to become a large group adjudicator. This will be done on the website once it’s up and running.

The Return/Continuation of SD Recorders for 2024

With all the changes occurring in 2023-24, the AE Committee has decided to postpone the use Competition Suite for large group events until 2025. Therefore, there is ONE more year of using SD cards.

Continuing Education Adjudicator Seminars

District officers: I am available to present an “Adjudicator Continuing Education” or a “Director OMEA Adjudicated Events Overview” session at any District Mini-Conference or meeting. Please email me if you are interested.
Adjudicator Sessions already in place:
  • December 1: University of Akron’s OBDC
  • February 1: OMEA PDC
  • February 2: OMEA PDC (repeat session)
Adjudicator Sessions are open to all OMEA members.

Event chairs

Please make sure your event is on the OMEA calendar. Contact your district president/regional chair if something is missing.
I will email you your adjudicator panels 2 to 5 days after the entry deadline.
Please communicate with your adjudicators three weeks before the event.
Once you’ve received your panel information, please start scheduling as soon as you can.
Past practices have avoided scheduling SE events after 4:30.


There are many new initiatives in AE. From high school SE’s “Collegiate Class” and “Exploratory Class” to new offerings for orchestras, bands, and choirs’ large group. Be sure to check out Scott Eversdyke’s AE Chair article!

Interested in Becoming an Adjudicator?

There is always a need for new adjudicators, especially in string, vocal and percussion disciplines.

Criteria to become an adjudicator include: a minimum of 5 years of teaching experience, successful ratings record in AE events, 3 letters of recommendation and an observation.
The application form will be coming to an OMEA website near you! (Until then, you can always contact me for information).


Feel free to reach out to me for answers! If I don’t know the answer, I will find someone who does! Thank you for your continued support!