©2023 Ohio Music Education Association
Committee Updates
Adjudicated Events Updates and Information
Scott Eversdyke
Adjudicated Events Chair

Many members have been asking about how to find certain adjudicated event related items on the OMEA-ohio.org website. This document (click here) contains a list of adjudicated event items and how to find them. Items included on the list include registration information for adjudicated events, site chair information, required lists, and many more. There are many instructional videos that have been made that can be found on the pages as well.
Large Group Changes
Large Group Changes
The State Marching Band Finals in 2024 will no longer be organized in blocks in class order. The order will be determined using qualification date and will be built from the end forward. Directors will have the option to opt for an earlier time if they would like.
Be sure to check out the OMEA Awards Store on the OMEA website by clicking here. Medals or pins are available for all superior and excellent ratings from any OMEA Solo & Ensemble, State Large Group, and SMBF event.
Following the success of the SMBF patches from last fall, we are offering a 2024 State Large Group patch for members of ensembles who qualify and participate in a State Large group event. Special combo packs, consisting of a patch and superior/excellent medal, will be available for purchase on-line only at a reduced cost of $8.

Marching Band
Marching Band
Beginning with the 2024-2025 school year, students may perform in the same large group numbered event twice as long as they are a regularly participating member of the ensemble, and they are performing on a secondary instrument or voice part. If you have a student that plays trumpet in one of your concert bands, and plays euphonium in another band, or a student singing tenor in one choir and bass in another choir, that student can now participate with both ensembles at Large Group starting in 2025.
District 16 is doing a pilot for digital recordings as the Adjudicated Events Committee is looking at options to move away from SD cards.
Important Thank Yous
Important Thank Yous
I want to start by saying a huge thanks to Nicholas Turon for all of the hard work, time, and communication that has gone into getting the software to a usable point for all adjudicated events this year. As he likes to say, we are building the plane while we are flying in it. Often times we are at the mercy of a very busy software developing company, but he does a great job of prioritizing what the immediate needs are and makes sure we keep the plane in the air. Thanks Nick!
I also want to thank Bill Thomas for keeping our events staffed. I know that his workload has been large and every year things have been different during his tenure as Director of Adjudications. He makes sure that every event is staffed and is successful. His knowledge and work ethic is an inspiration to me and the entire Adjudicated Events Committee.
Finally, we wouldn’t have such amazing awards without Dane Newlove designing, ordering, shipping, inventorying, and repeating this process so many times. Dane goes way above the requirements of his job and his insight into all aspects of adjudicated events is so appreciated.
Please know that the Adjudicated Events Committee is dedicated to the success of all OMEA Adjudicated Events. Please feel free to reach out to anyone on the committee with concerns or questions. We are here to help.
I hope that you all are having a great school year!