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OMEA Research Poster Session

Ohio Music Education Association Research Committee
Friday, February 2, 2024: 12:00– 1:00 PM Union Station Ballroom Pre-function

Poster Presenters

Melissa d’Aliberti Beyond Superior Ratings: A Sustainable Program Serving High-Poverty Students in Suburban Ohio (The University of Michigan) Jessica Bailey Navigating Vocal Demands in the Middle School Musical Theatre Context (University of Cincinnati) Jacob Gibson Exploring Interactions Between Music Stores and School Programs: A Review of Literature (Kent State University) David Hedgecoth & Andre Felipe Music for Social Change? A Review of Literature (The Ohio State University) Lisa Heinrich Elementary Student Impressions of Diverse Genres within a Music Assembly (Kent State University) Nathan Irby Insights into Effective Jazz Pedagogy: Perspectives from Nationally Recognized Educators (The Ohio State University) William Kish Developing Music Teacher Identity: A Multiple Case Study on Impacts of the Ohio Resident Educator Program (Kent State University) Michelle Leasor Teaching During the Pandemic: A Multiple Case Study Comparing Music Teachers' and Non-Music Teachers' Experiences and Perceptions of Teaching with Technology (National University) Heather A. Lofdahl An Examination of Variables that Contribute to String Students’ Musical Achievement (The Ohio State University) Alissa Mujanovic Where to Begin? Combating Exclusionary Practices in the Elementary Music Classroom (Case Western Reserve University) Grant Prater A Multiple Case Study of the Presence and Use of Universal Design for Learning Practices in High School Band Marching Fundamentals (University of Toledo) Cassidy Reed The Woman of Steel: A Band Director Turned Super (Case Western Reserve University) Michael Remy Last Frontiers: A Case Study Examining a Filipino Music Educator’s Experience Teaching Music in Rural Alaska (The Ohio State University) Taryn Rupp Exploring Factors that Ninth Grade Students Identify as to Why They Choose to Persist in Band (University of Cincinnati) Bethany Westphal Burnt Out or Slightly Singed? A Study on High School Band Director Stress (Case Western Reserve University) Laura Wiedenfeld Finding my People: Value Creation in an Orff Schulwerk Level One (Kent State University)