Committee Updates

Adjudicated Events Updates and Information for the Spring of 2025

Scott Eversdyke, Adjudicated Events Chair
The Adjudicated Events Committee has been busy working on many things this year. The Event Management Handbook for both Solo & Ensemble and Large Group have been updated. The rulebook for solo & ensemble and large group has been updated. Large group events have all moved away from SD cards to using Competition Suite. The software used to run all events has been through a drastic makeover since last year.
Many other changes have been made over the course of the last several years including adding SAB class C category to high school large group. Adding flexible instrumentation options to the band class C list. Adding several performance options for participation at orchestra large group events. Adding open class to large group events and exploratory class to solo & ensemble events.
While we can’t give everyone everything they want, we are hoping that these changes will provide more opportunities and better experiences for the members of OMEA.
Please remember that there has been a MAJOR CHANGE to the registration deadline for ALL Adjudicated Events! All Registrations are due on Wednesday four and a half weeks prior to the event by 5:00 PM! This means that the registration deadlines will be 3 days earlier than they have been in the past. If a registration deadline falls on a holiday, the deadline will be moved to 5:00 pm on the next business day. This is a MAJOR change. The AE Committee needs everyone's help to make sure that all participating directors are aware of this change! Please share this with your friends.
Please be sure to confirm all of your district’s/region’s events on the official OMEA Calendar. Some districts/regions choose alternate dates that may not be reflected in the quick reference.
I hope that you all are having a great school year! Please feel free to reach out to any OMEA Adjudicated Events Committee member with any questions or concerns that you have. We are here to help make your Adjudicated Events experience as positive as it can be.