Committee Updates - Adjudicated Events

Adjudicated Events Updates and Information for the 2024-25 School Year

Scott Eversdyke, Adjudicated Events Chair
The Adjudicated Events Committee is working hard on many small and not so small changes to improve the experience of every aspect of adjudicated events. This includes items to help directors, site chairs, and participants. Please bear with us through this time of change and modification. Many of these changes are in their infancy and may take a few years to come to fruition, but we are working tirelessly for the future of OMEA Adjudicated Events.

Here are some updates for 2024-25 and a few things that are in the works.

Event Registration

MAJOR CHANGE!! The registration deadline for ALL Adjudicated Events has changed! Registrations will now be due on the Wednesday four and a half weeks prior to the event by 5:00 PM! This means that the registration deadlines will be 3 days earlier than they have been in the past. If a registration deadline falls on a holiday, the deadline will be moved to 5:00 pm on the next business day. This is a MAJOR change. The AE Committee needs everyone's help to make sure that all participating directors are aware of this change! Please share this with your friends.
Please be sure to confirm all of your district’s/region’s events on the official OMEA Calendar. Some districts/regions choose alternate dates that may not be reflected in the quick reference calendar.

State Marching Band Finals

State MB Finals will no longer be organized by class order. Qualification date will now be used to organize performance order building from the end forward. Directors will have the option to request an earlier performance time.

Rule Change

Rule change!!! - Rule VIII.A  Vocal performers may not enter the same numbered event more than once.E.g. SATB Choir is listed as Event #1; no student under any circumstances may participate in two SATB Choirs. Penalty: Disqualification of the second performance using the same student.

VIII.A1  Instrumental performers may perform in the same large group numbered event if they are a regularly participating member of the ensemble and they are performing on a secondary instrument.  Penalty for performing on the same instrument in multiple ensembles: Disqualification of the second performance using the same student.

Competition Suite (THIS YEAR)

Competition Suite will be utilized for all Large Group Events for the 2025 AE Season. Yes, that means no more SD cards!! Adjudicators will need to be trained. Information about training options will be forthcoming, but look for sessions at conference, visits from the OMEA Technology Director and the Director of Adjudications to districts across the state, and more. Adjudicators and directors will need to create profiles utilizing the email address that they use for their OMEA Communications. This is really not as difficult as it sounds so please do not stress! The Adjudicated Events Committee is here to help make sure that directors and adjudicators can make this transition as smoothly as possible.

Rulebook Update

The LG/SE Rulebook is in the process of being updated. The goal is to organize and word the rulebook in a more user-friendly manner. Look for this updated rulebook in the near future. This is not a major overhaul of the rules themselves. The goal is for the end product to be more efficient, clear, and user friendly.

Site Chairs

The Site Chair Management Handbook for Solo & Ensemble and Large Group Events is currently being updated.
I hope that you all have had a great start to the school year! Please feel free to reach out to any OMEA Adjudicated Events Committee member with any questions or concerns that you have. We are here to help make your Adjudicated Events experience as positive as it can be.
Scott Eversdyke